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Recent Blog Posts

Is a Survival Action the Same as a Wrongful Death Claim?

 Posted on March 18, 2025 in Personal Injury

Cook County, ILAvoidable accidents cause fatalities every day in Illinois. Some deaths are the result of someone else’s intentional actions. Surviving family members are left to cope with their multiple losses, often experiencing anger toward the situation or person that caused the death. While money cannot fill the void your loved one’s death left in your life, a wrongful death claim could provide funds to ease your financial burdens.

While most people have heard of wrongful death claims, even if they are unsure about the specifics, not everyone is familiar with survival actions. While both types of legal claims can stem from a death, they have fundamental differences. Your knowledgeable Cook County, IL wrongful death attorney can evaluate your situation, determine your eligibility to file these claims, and work toward maximum compensation on your behalf.

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Is the Government Liable for Crashes on Dangerous Roads?

 Posted on February 14, 2025 in Car Accidents

Lake County, IL personal injury lawyerSome roads and intersections are more dangerous than others. Whether due to traffic volume, higher speed limits, the frequent presence of pedestrians, or wildlife crossings, some roadways in Lake County, IL have seen multiple crashes in the last ten years. These collisions have injured people and killed several animals. The issue is so significant that a resolution was recently introduced in the Illinois State Senate, calling for the Illinois Department of Transportation to take immediate action.

Various government agencies are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining roads. They also have the authority to set speed limits and close roads. If these entities are negligent in their duties, they could be held accountable for the injuries you sustain in a collision on a dangerous road. Claims against the government are possible, but they are also complicated. Choosing an experienced Lake County, IL car accident attorney who understands how these cases work can ensure that you get the compensation you deserve.

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I Drive for a Living. Who Is Liable for My Driving Accident Injuries?

 Posted on January 16, 2025 in Car Accidents

Barrington, IL personal injury lawyerMany workers in Illinois and across the nation drive as part of their job duties. That driving might be your main responsibility, for example, if you haul freight in a tractor-trailer or operate public transit buses. In other cases, you might be a delivery driver or need to travel between job sites during your workday. Because you may be on the road for hours at a time, your risk of being in a traffic collision is high.

If you are injured in an accident while driving for work, who is responsible for paying for your medical bills and other losses? Is it difficult to win a claim? For the best chance of success, partner with a dedicated Barrington, IL personal injury attorney.

Does My Employer Pay My Damages?

Your employer may have workers’ comp coverage to cover part of your eligible losses. Accepting benefits usually bars you from filing a personal injury claim against your employer, but some exceptions may apply. For example, if your employer knowingly requires you to drive an unsafe vehicle, you may qualify for a personal injury claim. The best way to verify your legal options is to contact our office and request a free consultation.

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Hit-and-Run Crashes, UI/UIM Claims, and Personal Injury

 Posted on December 18, 2024 in Car Accidents

Barrington, IL personal injury lawyerIllinois laws require all drivers to have auto insurance policies. Drivers must also remain at the scene of an accident until law enforcement and first responders arrive and release them. Unfortunately, many drivers violate both of these laws.

If you are injured in a car accident caused by another motorist, you deserve compensation, but your insurance claim will be complicated. A skilled Barrington, IL personal injury lawyer knows how to overcome the challenges.

What Auto Insurance Coverage Does Illinois Require?

Although you can purchase additional coverage, Illinois law requires all drivers to have auto liability insurance with these minimum limits:

‘Tis the Season for Holiday Shopping Injuries in Illinois

 Posted on November 14, 2024 in Premises Liability

Cook County, IL personal injury attorneyWith the holiday season upon us, shoppers across Illinois will be out in force looking for gifts, decorations, and holiday meal preparation. Although accidents can happen in stores, malls, and parking areas throughout the year, the rate of accidents often increases from mid-November until early January. If you are injured while shopping, you could be eligible for compensation through a premises liability claim.

What kinds of accidents qualify? Are premises liability claims difficult? At Barrington Injury Attorneys, we hope you remain safe, but our Barrington, IL personal injury lawyers are here to help if you need us.

What Is Premises Liability?

Retail stores, in addition to other kinds of properties, are legally obligated to keep their premises safe for customers. If the person, company, or other responsible party in charge of a store or mall is negligent and fails to meet that obligation, they could be liable for your damages if you are injured on the property. For a premises liability claim, you will need evidence proving that:

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How Can a Tractor-Trailer’s Cargo Cause Accidents?

 Posted on October 14, 2024 in Car Accidents

IL injury lawyerPreliminary 2023 data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration reports 6,402 large truck accidents in Illinois that injured 3,205 people and killed 172. While many truck accident injuries result from direct impact, there is also a danger of indirect injuries caused by a truck’s cargo.

What kinds of accidents can result from cargo issues? Who is liable in these cases? If you sustained injuries in a truck accident, an experienced lawyer from Barrington Injury Attorneys can investigate your situation, establish liability, and help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

How Can a Truck’s Cargo Cause Accidents and Injuries?

When fully loaded, a tractor-trailer can weigh 80,000 pounds. Much of that weight comes from the truck’s cargo. Whether a truck is hauling cases of canned goods stacked on pallets or large items secured by chains on flatbed trailers, the load must be balanced and secured correctly so the driver can control his truck.

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Why Is Driving Under the Influence So Dangerous?

 Posted on September 17, 2024 in Car Accidents

IL injury lawyerYou have probably seen various campaigns to prevent drunk driving, with slogans like, "You booze, you cruise, you lose." A similar campaign against driving while high uses the tagline, "If you feel different, you drive different." Illinois laws make driving under the influence illegal, but people still do it every day. Have you ever wondered why these behaviors are dangerous?

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol dramatically increases the chance of causing a car crash that may injure or kill someone. If you are injured in a car accident caused by someone who was driving under the influence, you deserve compensation. A skilled lawyer from Barrington Injury Attorneys can investigate your accident and help you hold the at-fault party accountable. Call now for your free consultation.

Why Is Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs Dangerous?

Using drugs or consuming alcohol can cause various impairments that make safe driving nearly impossible, as reflected in the current Illinois campaign slogan, "Drive safe, drive sober." These impairments include:

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What Is Liability in a Personal Injury Claim?

 Posted on August 19, 2024 in Personal Injury

Barrington, IL personal injury lawyerYou have probably heard that you can obtain a settlement if you are injured by another party’s negligence. Some kinds of personal injury claims can get you that compensation for your accident-related losses. Common types of claims involve car accidents, truck accidents, premises liability, and wrongful death.

Obtaining the compensation you deserve is not as simple as blaming someone for your injury and waiting for a payout. You must establish several facts before you can file a claim. One of our experienced personal injury lawyers at Barrington Injury Attorneys can evaluate your circumstances, discuss the validity of your claim, and explain how we can help during your free consultation.

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Wrongful Death Claim Filed Against Highland Park Shooting Gun Manufacturer

 Posted on July 09, 2024 in Wrongful Death

IL injury lawyerThe Highland Park, IL, July 4th Parade shooting in 2022 sent shockwaves throughout the state. Seven victims lost their lives when a 21-year-old opened fire. Another 48 people were injured in the shooting. The suspect was apprehended eight hours after the shooting and charged with seven counts of first-degree murder and 48 counts of attempted murder. While a wrongful death claim was the last thing on the minds of the family members, two years later, such a claim has been filed.

While justice can be elusive in the criminal arena, another type of justice may be possible for victims and their families. HB0218, the Firearm Industry Responsibility Act (FIRA), was signed into law by Governor Pritzker in August 2023. FIRA holds gun manufacturers accountable when they knowingly use unsafe marketing practices to cause harm.  

If your loved one died as the result of another’s negligence, you should contact a Barrington wrongful death attorney from Barrington Injury Attorneys, who can help you file a claim for damages. When you have a skilled lawyer who will advocate for you and your family, you can take the time you need to grieve your loss.

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What to Do if You Share Fault in a Motorcycle Accident

 Posted on June 12, 2024 in Car Accidents

IL accident lawyerThe aftermath of a motorcycle accident can be daunting, especially when you believe you may share some fault in the incident. If you find yourself in this situation, it is helpful to understand your rights and the steps you should take to protect your interests. An Illinois lawyer can help you determine the necessary steps if you are partially at fault in a motorcycle accident.

What You Should Know About Illinois’ Comparative Fault Laws

Illinois follows a system of modified comparative fault, which means that you may still be able to recover damages, regardless of whether you hold partial fault for the accident. However, your percentage of fault must be less than 51% for you to be eligible for compensation. If your fault is determined to be 51% or more, you will be barred from recovering any damages.

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224 West Main Street, #100, Barrington, IL 60010

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