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‘Tis the Season for Holiday Shopping Injuries in Illinois

 Posted on November 14, 2024 in Premises Liability

Cook County, IL personal injury attorneyWith the holiday season upon us, shoppers across Illinois will be out in force looking for gifts, decorations, and holiday meal preparation. Although accidents can happen in stores, malls, and parking areas throughout the year, the rate of accidents often increases from mid-November until early January. If you are injured while shopping, you could be eligible for compensation through a premises liability claim.

What kinds of accidents qualify? Are premises liability claims difficult? At Barrington Injury Attorneys, we hope you remain safe, but our Barrington, IL personal injury lawyers are here to help if you need us.

What Is Premises Liability?

Retail stores, in addition to other kinds of properties, are legally obligated to keep their premises safe for customers. If the person, company, or other responsible party in charge of a store or mall is negligent and fails to meet that obligation, they could be liable for your damages if you are injured on the property. For a premises liability claim, you will need evidence proving that:

  • You were on the property legally.

  • The responsible party knew or should have known about a hazardous condition.

  • That party had enough time to repair or restrict access to the dangerous area but failed to do so.

Timing is a critical factor in these cases in different ways. In addition to questions about whether the responsible party had time to address a risk, key evidence may disappear within a short time. These cases have some innate challenges, so it is best to call an attorney as soon as possible after your incident.

What Kinds of Holiday Shopping Incidents Could Qualify for a Premises Liability Claim?

Various accidents and incidents that frequently occur during the holiday shopping season include:

  • Slip-and-fall accidents, whether due to icy outdoor surfaces, wet floors, or electrical cords or other objects left in walkways

  • Holiday decorations that may not be stable and could fall onto customers

  • Temporary merchandise displays that might fall over or be pushed onto shoppers

  • Crowded aisles, particularly on peak days like the day before Thanksgiving and Black Friday

  • Improperly maintained elevators or escalators causing falls or other injuries

  • Assaults due to insufficient security or lighting

If you were injured while shopping, you should always report it to the appropriate authorities, whether store owners, management, security guards, or police officers. Ask for a copy of the incident report. You should also:

  • Take photos and videos of your injuries and the accident scene, including the hazard that caused your incident.

  • Accept or seek medical attention, both to evaluate your injuries and to provide documentation for your premises liability claim.

  • Get contact information, if possible, from any witnesses present.

  • Note the location of video surveillance cameras that may have caught your incident as it happened.

  • Call Barrington Injury Attorneys to schedule a free consultation.

Video footage may be erased within a short time, whether automatically or intentionally. Spills on floors will be mopped, and witnesses’ memories can fade with time. The longer you wait to file your claim, the more challenges you may face.

Call Our Cook County, IL Premises Liability Lawyers

When someone else’s negligence dampens your holiday cheer, Barrington Injury Attorneys can help you hold them accountable. Call us at 224-900-HURT to speak with one of our dedicated Lake County, IL personal injury attorneys.

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Barrington Injury Attorneys

224 West Main Street, #100, Barrington, IL 60010

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