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Why Are Teen Drivers More Susceptible to Car Accidents?

 Posted on November 15,2019 in Car Accidents

Cook County auto collision injury attorney

When a teenager receives his or her license, it is a momentous occasion in his or her life. Having the freedom to explore new places can lead to feelings of both excitement and nervousness. Although a teen driver may be eager to hit the road, it is important for him or her to remember proper driving etiquette. Driving fast or playing loud music on a car's radio may seem cool; however, the possible outcomes of these actions can be devastating. In 2016, there were 2,082 teen drivers involved in fatal motor vehicle traffic crashes. If your child has suffered a serious injury or wrongful death in a car accident, it is important to seek professional legal advice.

Teen Driving Statistics

In the United States, auto accidents are among the leading causes of teen deaths every year. Statistics show that teen drivers are twice as likely as adult drivers to be involved in a fatal auto accident. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2016:

  • 58 percent of 15- to 18-year-old driving fatalities occurred due to a lack of seat belt use.

  • 20 percent of teens who died in an auto accident were drinking alcohol.

  • 10 percent of teenage drivers who were involved in a fatal car crash were distracted at the time of the accident.   

What Can Lead to Teen Car Accidents?

Driving is an ongoing learning experience; almost every day, new challenges confront motorists. According to the NHTSA, teen drivers are more often involved in car crashes due to their lack of experience and their propensity for risk-taking. Immaturity and limited driving experience can lead to high-risk behavior behind the wheel. Teen automobile accidents can be associated with:

  • Distracted driving

  • Speeding

  • Not obeying traffic laws

  • Not wearing seat belts

  • Drowsy driving

  • Driving under the influence

  • Nighttime and weekend driving

  • Reckless driving

Prevention Techniques

By discussing topics of safety, establishing consequences, and setting an example, parents can help teen drivers stay safe. It is important for parents to have frequent conversations with their children about safe driving techniques. Furthermore, supervised driving lessons can provide a child with valuable learning experience. Parents can help their children develop into safe drivers.

Contact a Lake County Personal Injury Lawyer

A car crash can result in extensive medical bills and life-threatening injuries. The last thing any parent wants to hear is that his or her teenager was involved in an automobile accident. At Barrington Injury Attorneys, our dedicated Cook County car crash attorneys can help your family pursue compensation from negligent drivers or their insurance companies. To schedule a free consultation, call our office today at 224-900-HURT




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