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What Needs to Be Established for a Successful Dog Bite Claim?

 Posted on May 17, 2024 in Premises Liability

Barrington dog bite injury lawyerAfter being attacked or bitten by a dog, you may want to pursue legal action against the owner. Dog bites are a matter of premises liability, and the owner or person responsible for the dog during the attack may be liable for your injuries.

As you pursue a dog bite claim, a few elements must be established in your case to give you a strong chance of success. An experienced Illinois dog bite injury lawyer can help investigate the details of your case and advocate for the compensation you may be entitled to.

Establishing Your Dog Bite Claim

Illinois utilizes strict liability in dog bite cases, which means that the dog's owner is responsible for any injuries that his or her dog causes. If the dog's owner is not present, the non-owner who has assumed responsibility for the dog may be liable instead.

Under these strict liability laws, you are not required to establish negligence as part of your dog bite claim. However, you must establish the factors below for a chance at the most successful dog bite claim.

  • You must have been permitted to legally be on the property or in the place where the dog bite or attack occurred, as trespassers are not generally protected under the strict liability law.
  • You must show that you did not provoke the dog that attacked you in any way. However, if a dog attacks a child, this factor may not be as important, as children typically do not realize how dangerous provoking a dog can be.
  • You must show that the dog bite or attack caused your injuries and any associated losses, such as lost wages.

What Kind of Compensation Can I Receive From a Dog Bite Claim?

You may be able to receive two different types of compensation after your dog bite injury. Illinois generally categorizes compensation for a personal injury claim into economic and non-economic categories.

Economic damages refer to the cost of medical bills, rehabilitation, damaged property, and loss of income. In contrast, non-economic damages include monetary compensation for pain and suffering, emotional trauma, disfigurement, and permanent disability.

Contact a Barrington, IL Dog Bite Injury Attorney

Dog bites and attacks often result in serious injuries and long recovery periods in addition to mental trauma. If you are dealing with the aftermath of a dog bite, you need the guidance of a skilled Cook County, IL dog bite injury lawyer on your side.

Our lawyers at Barrington Injury Attorneys will work to review and investigate the dog bite incident while preparing to take your case to trial. We advocate for our clients diligently to ensure you have the best chance of success with your dog bite claim. Contact 224-900-HURT for a free consultation.

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224 West Main Street, #100, Barrington, IL 60010

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