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Weather or Carelessness - Which Is to Blame for My Car Accident?

 Posted on September 14, 2022 in Car Accidents

Barrington personal injury lawyersSeptember is one of the rainier months here in Illinois. The season is slowly starting to change from summer into fall. The intense heat waves that contribute to road rage in the summer are likely over. However, we will probably be dealing with a lot of rain. It is no surprise that car accidents are a bit more likely to happen while it is raining. When the rain first starts the roads are slick, as the bits of oil and grease from traffic have not yet washed off. As the rain is coming down hard, visibility can be impaired. Even after the storm, drivers are not done blaming their poor driving habits on the weather. If car accidents were truly unavoidable when it is raining or wet, it is not likely that people would continue to willingly get on the roads under these circumstances. If you were injured by a driver who claims that the weather was at fault, you may want an attorney to help pursue your claim.

Negligent Driving Habits and Inclement Weather

There are a few very common ways that car accidents occur while it is rainy. While the at-fault driver may be quick to blame Mother Nature, it is likely that your attorney will be able to identify a careless behavior that actually caused the crash.

Common examples include:

  • Rear-end collisions - Rear-end accidents are very frequent occurrences during heavy rains. The at-fault driver may blame the slick road - however, they knew the road was slick and they should have started braking earlier. Drivers should also increase their following distance.
  • Stopped vehicle accidents - If you find that the weather conditions truly do make it impossible to drive safely, then the responsible thing to do is to not drive, even if that means pulling off the road and waiting. Careless drivers who figured it would be fine to keep driving may not see responsible drivers stopped near the road and hit them - especially when drivers are partially on the shoulder because they cannot tell where the road is. In severe weather, drivers should anticipate that there will be others stopped and use caution. 
  • Intersection crashes - When bad weather crashes happen at intersections, the usual excuse is a lack of visibility. When visibility is poor, drivers should slow down around intersections and look carefully before proceeding. Some drivers may even fail to notice that there is an intersection, especially if there is a stop sign rather than a light. 

Even in the rain, accidents are preventable when appropriate caution is used. 

Call a Lake County Car Accident Lawyer

Barrington Injury Attorneys is committed to helping those who have been injured by negligent drivers recover compensation. If you were injured by a driver who is blaming the weather, our Barrington car accident attorneys will strive to prove otherwise. Call 224-900-HURT for a free consultation. 




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