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Can I Sue After an Injury in an Illinois Restaurant?

 Posted on April 16,2024 in Premises Liability

Cook County premises liability lawyerThough most trips to restaurants around the Illinois area are fun and relaxing experiences, injuries and accidents do happen at restaurants, and they can have serious consequences. It may be possible to sue after an injury occurs in an Illinois restaurant. However, you must prove that the restaurant staff or owner acted negligently or recklessly, causing your injury. An experienced Illinois premises liability lawyer can help you determine if you have a case against the restaurant where you were injured.

Common Restaurant Injuries in Illinois

While restaurants are generally safe, accidents and incidents sometimes result in illness or injury. Restaurant owners and staff must ensure that they uphold their duty of care to guests by warning of hazards and keeping both interior and exterior areas properly maintained. Failure to do this or acting recklessly and putting guests in harm's way can result in liability for the injuries that visitors may sustain in an accident.

  • Slip and fall accidents due to spilled food and drink or improperly maintained stairs and pavement
  • Lacerations and cuts from broken glass, plates, or windows that have no warning sign and are not cleaned up
  • Burns from overly hot food, drinks, or plates
  • Food poisoning, due to a lack of care in the food preparation and cooking process
  • Allergic reactions due to negligence from employees or cooks

Additionally, when employees at a restaurant act dangerously and harm guests, the restaurant may be liable. This is especially true if the restaurant fails to conduct background checks on employees as necessary, neglecting to create a safe workplace.

How Do I Pursue a Claim Against a Restaurant?

If you have been injured in a restaurant, you can pursue a compensation claim, depending on the situation surrounding your injury or accident. The first step to pursuing a claim is gathering all of the information you can about the incident, including medical documentation, witness statements, and photo or video evidence. You should then take these items to a knowledgeable Illinois premises liability lawyer who can guide you throughout the rest of the claim process.

Contact a Cook County, IL Premises Liability Lawyer

Dealing with injuries and trauma after a restaurant outing is unfortunate, and you should not have to handle extensive medical and recovery costs without assistance. A skilled Barrington, IL premises liability attorney can help you to receive compensation from the restaurant that caused your injury.

At Barrington Injury Attorneys, our attorneys fight tirelessly for your rights and negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf. We also conduct full investigations into your restaurant injury to ensure that we get you the maximum compensation possible. Call 224-900-HURT for a free consultation.

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Barrington Injury Attorneys

224 West Main Street, Suite 100, Barrington, IL 60010

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